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Details for Bank Transfer
Beneficiary: Autonomous non-profit organization EAFO Educational and Research Center "Eurasian Oncology Program" (ANO "EAFO")
Bank details for making transfers in Russian Rubles
Name of the Bank | Sberbank |
Registered Address | 117997, Moscow, Vavilova, Street, 19 |
Address for Communication | 109544, Moscow,Bolshaya Andronevskaya street, 6 |
Tax Identification Number (INN) | 7707083893 |
Industrial Enterprises Classifier (KPP) | 775003035 |
Primary State Registration Number (ORGN) | 1027700132195 |
Bank Identifier Code (BIC) | 044525225 |
All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) | 57972160 |
Current Account | 30301810800006003800 |
Corresponding account | 30101810400000000225 to OPERA MSTU of the Bank of Russia |
Name of the Organization | ANO "EAFO" |
Registered Address [ANO EAFO] | 125080, Moscow, Volokolomskoe Shosse, 1, Building 1, Office 606C |
Tax Identification Number (INN) [ANO EAFO] | 7715491261 |
Industrial Enterprises Classifier (KPP) [ANO EAFO] | 774301001 |
Primary State Registration Number (ORGN) [ANO EAFO] | 1127799008072 |
Current Account [ANO EAFO] | 40703810138000007353 |
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